I know, I know, I spend way too much time on YouTube and this tool is better than my last find, which was better than the one before ect ect. But if I had seen"This gem" (CLICK)   I wouldn't have bought half the crap I picked up at garage sales. Watch the whole video(he builds guitars) and tell us what you think!

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  •  I really didn't mean to be flip with my last post and I am sorry if it sounded that way. I'm a retired old-school machinist, (among other things), and I prefer the manual machines to the CNC versions. I was trained in programming through production in CNC and made a lot of chips in my day. I got into CBG building as a way to relax. Tired of the noise of power tools and machinery, I really enjoy hand-making guitars with hand tools.My one-year old rasp and a twenty year old pair of calipers are my favorite guitar building tools. I have powered hand tools, but just don't use them much anymore. Sorry, didn't mean to make light of your find.

    By the way, I dig your posts.


    • back in 1982 i was a CNC programmer too. for a Laser cutter.  we had to hand code on to punched tape and take it to the laser to read the tape... things have changed a lot...lol

  • That's pretty cool, but... I get excited when I can afford tuners AND strings... HA!

  • bloody invisible ink is back....cut and paste of my original post....


    check this out Hooch. small portable workbench with vice... 

  • Ok Taff, stop with the invisible ink or choose a larger font!lol
  • Can any one else see Taff's reply? This is getting a little annoying!
    • no , i cant either.

  • My thoughts are with this setup a few mods and the electronics from the vertical cbc you could do anything. Using the following attachment and a dremel saw a fret cutting jig would be possible.
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