About twelve months ago I began clearing a derelict garage in back of our house of decades of festering nastiness, then- during the hottest late summer I can remember- demolishing and hauling away the re-inforced concrete building. In the autumn I paid for a 16’ x 8’ wooden studio to be put up, which I then had lined and insulated before decorating it inside and out. Built a workshop at one end, and furnished the other end for studio purposes. Had to wait until late February for the power to go in, and at that point I could finally start building guitars again, for the spring shows, the summer markets, and my all-June-long Open Studios events (a county-wide affair with trails, printed directories etc). Cluttered up the studio end good and proper with acoustic gits for sale... and I think you good people know what happened next. By mid-March, as well as being full of saleable guitars that I couldn’t sell, I now had to shoehorn in a home office so that I could continue to do my job in the midst of Covid-related nonsense.

So- I have umpteen guitars I still cannot sell, about a dozen completed necks and bodies awaiting assembly, a laptop, two monitors, keyboard, books of law taking up nearly half of the sound desk- but I’ve not been idle, even aside from working full time. I have taught myself some rudimentary keyboard skills and have composed, recorded, and released on Soundcloud around an album and a half’s worth of original music, spanning quite a few genres. And here’s where the relevance to this site comes in- every guitar heard on any of the twenty-odd tracks was built by my own fair hands. A link to the most recent blues number written and recorded can be found below; if, having heard that and not been totally put off by the ‘vocal’ performance I can recommend two other blues numbers by Brownfield (yes, that’s me), again featuring cbg, in which you may be interested- ‘Trollin’’ and ‘Gamble (4DC)’, the latter being my Brexit song and also my tribute to the immortal John Lee Hooker. I am now toying with the idea of videoing live performances in the studio, which can be put up on YouTube- these will obviously need to feature some backing track and/or automation, but there will be cbgs.

There will always be cbgs


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