My daughter informed me today that my pet and buddy

The "Kool Dog Hooch" had a stroke today and lost the use of his back legs. He also became very aggressive and along with other complications the vet recommended putting him down. Its with a heavy heart but he has passed over the rainbow bridge. Good bye buddy! You'll be missed.

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  • Sorry to hear. Looking a great pet is always hard. Your never to old to have a good pet. Go get one and just try to prove me wrong. : ) 

  • Thanks Taff and Pick for the kind words, I've had dogs my whole life and everyone of them was special in their own way. None of them had impacted me like Hooch. My son and I "took" him away from some a-hole who had him chained to the fence, no water and crap for food. He was being used as a "bait dog"(mouth taped shut and attacked, if you look closely at his picture you can see scares) after we got him home he drank water for days and he had trust issues around my wife's dog Bailey(another rescue,another story) but he wouldn't leave my side. I stopped setting in my recliner and started using the couch because he was too big for a lap dog. Not that I really minded so much, but after awhile I couldn't feel my legs. Over the span of 8 years or so we took care of each other, I'd feed and walk the big lunk, and he watched over us and protected us from things that didn't belong there ( if I didn't shake your hand and greet you, you weren't getting close to me, no matter how many times you've been to the front door) if it was out of place, we new about it. Our neighbors at the time had a couple yapping ankle bitters that would come to the chain link fence and raise hell every time we went in our back yard. What does Hooch do? He trots over to the fence, hikes his leg and pisses all over them! Of course we told him not to do it again!

    Taff, if you remember when I first joined CB Nation, all the questions I asked about scale length, string size ect almost a year ago, that's when my daughter took him in, I started the "Big Dog" but put it aside until I had learned more and felt confident enough to "get it right" and not over think it! Now! I can finish it! I wanted it as a work of love, not a project.

    Picker, I couldn't take the heartache of losing another pet. I basically lost Hooch twice, a couple weeks after Bailey passed from cancer, I had to send Hooch to my daughter and now his death. I'll be volunteering at the local shelters. But I'm too old to partner up with another pet, it's just not in me anymore.

  • No words man , Sorry about  your loss , Many of us  know that feeling all to well. Remember the memories you shared and don't be afraid to share those memories and start new ones with another pet in need .They can never  be "replaced" , but the bonding process can be  repeated  with a new pal .

    keep your chin up .


  • Hi Hooch, man that's sad sorry to here that, you must be gutted.

    When the time is right you could do what I did when I lost a close mate, build a guitar in their memory.

    Back in 1992 I lost Jude, my blue cattle dog, the week I finished a very special guitar, and as it was for me I called it Blue Dog. I had a plate engraved and fitted it to the guitar. I'll never forget that dog.



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