Hi, all.   I'm thinking of a four-string, 23-inch scale length, acoustic that hopefully I can tune various ways for the versatility of a tenor guitar.  I'd  like to try having an oval box.

I will soon have access to some damaged "Shaker" bentwood boxes, round and oval.  Seems to me they ought to work sorta like a cheese box but more rugged.  They are probably made of ash.  

Any ideas about whether such boxes would work, how they would work, and what sizes or characteristics I should keep an eye out for?   I like a sort of depthy sound but have no idea how deep a box I could use before it just swallowed up all the volume.

If anyone has tried to use a shallow wooden hat box  or pantry box this might be comparable.  All experience, observations, speculations, and wild thoughts welcome.

deeper shaker box.jpg

Flat Shaker cheese box.jpg

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  • This photo shows the Jag box.Linings to reinforce the back to sides joint to306435079?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 and the neck slotted to take the ends of the sides.The gap between the neck and linings was filled in with short pieces of the same.

  • Careful when notching box for the neck. Did a cheese box once and the box tore from the bottom of the notch around the sides. Easy enough to fix, but lost it's shape some.

    • I wonder if  putting a deep groove  in the neck so that the sides of the cut could fit into it would help keep them from springing outward and causing that kind of split.

  • Depends on the top thickness. Less than 3/16" is good. You could build a banjitar by replacing the top with a skin. The box depth of no more than 4" would be good.
  • There is only one way to find out, build one

    • Heh, well, I can't afford too much experimentation and destruction.   I'm thinking maybe cutting into a rounded bentwood side would ruin the integrity of the box too much and it will just bust apart or something.  I bet someone here has valuable thoughts and warnings for me.

      • The construction of my jaguar hub cap guitar is similar,that box is made from 1 /16 the ply

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