
  • One big issue is a speaker.
    Little speakers tend to distort too much and can sound bad, but they're easier to find space for.
    Bigger(6 inch and up) speakers sound much better, but take up a lot of space and weigh more.
    Speakers need depth to enhance sound and in order to do that the body needs to be thick.

  • Hooked up a L,386 amp circuit module to a small flatscreen tv speaker…worked out pretty good…gain is set to high on circuit board…Onyehn…about 11 bucks for ten

  • are you going to mount a speaker in there too? its been done before.. 

    if just the amp then i suppose the speaker output would go to the jack and be fed to a cabinet....

    if just the peramp like on an acoustic guitar then it will work and also tame the piezo a lot.

    one thing though , if you put an amp and speaker in the box then accoustic sound will suffer and the thing will be heavy ! you could buile the amp and speaker into a small belt mounted box like a pignose....

  • Yea, you wire the pickup to go straight through on one jack & wire the pickup to go through the amp on another jack. This way, you can play through to a separate amp or use the built in amp for a preamplifier between the two amps? Not a bad idea to shield the amp or use shielded wire, this may get noisy?

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