I'm nearing the end of my first build and trying to decide on fret scale. First, I'm interested in ducimer scale because I've never played guitar and from what I understand its easier. But my main interest is learning to play slide.....so can you play slide on a dulci scale or should I go with a guitar scale? Second, if I'm using WFret to place my frets, I don't have to use a standard scale right? I can just measure the distance between the bridge and the nut and enter that into WFret? If so though, what do I enter for number of frets? I know the dulci equivalent to the fender 21 frets is 12, but is that only for the 25.5 scale? I could stick to the 25.5 scale but I want a fairly deep sound that I thought I might get with a longer scale. Thanks for any help

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  • I play my 3 string CBG tuned DAd like a dulcimer and play melodies using a slide on the same notes as the dulcimer. My CBG has frets like a guitar, it's easy to play tunes that way. dulcimer frets work just the same, a little easier to find the melody notes.
  • If you are playing slide it doesn't matter if you install 12 frets or 22 frets. You can still play the in between notes without frets.
  • The dulcimer / diatonic scale is just the "chromatic" scale with some frets left out. So enter the number of frets you would want on a chromatic scale (24 would be two octaves), and then omit the unneeded frets, leaving only the following (for each octave): 2 4 5 7 9 11 12.(where 11 is the "six-and-a-half" fret).
  • Head on over to the dulcimer group. There is a discussion there of which frets to include and which frets to eliminate for a diatonic build. As for scale, that's up to you!

    But first you might want to go to Shane's how to play videos, up there on Free Resources/Lessons. He'll show you which frets you need for playing slide.
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