Has anyone tried this? Thoughts?

 I tried this build in this fashion for two reasons. It's all the wood I had for the neck, it wasn't long enough for a stick-through and that's all I had available. Figured as the neck ended right below where I wanted the bridge to be... Turns out it's pretty loud for such a small box. 

 Would like to know if you have tried this, and/or your thoughts on the design...

 Thank you!


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    Carl Floyd

    I couldn't pull off Taff's joint, either.  Though, at the tail end of that neck offsetting notches in two pieces of wood lapped together would have been fine.  I have never made a neck that protrudes out the backside of the box.

    Glad that nice piece o' mahogany didn't go to waste.

    Put a pickup in it & it won't matter.  ;)

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      Southern Ray

       I appreciate your input, Carl. Thanks!

       "I have never made a neck that protrudes out the backside of the box." I haven't either, except for a 3 liter tin. "Glad that nice piece o' mahogany didn't go to waste." You got that right! Mahogany is my favorite wood to build with so far. This particular piece, really pops! ...called out to be made something nice. It didn't disappoint. 

       'Put a pickup in it & it won't matter." I am looking into putting a "ghost" pickup in it. Will probably twist my own.

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        Southern Ray

         Noone else has a suggestion?